Practical Interpretation of Routine Blood Results in dogs and cats: CBC, blood smear, biochemistry, electrolytes and 5 clinical cases

  • 10 Uren
  • 265,-
  • Online
  • Dierenarts


Online Vet Training

OPGELET: deze cursus is in Engels

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De bijscholing is onmiddellijk na registratie beschikbaar en is volledig online te volgen. Na registratie heb je gedurende 3 maanden toegang tot de volledige cursus.

Basic blood work (CBC, chemistry and electrolytes) is considered part of the standard work up of many of our small animal patients. As blood results should always be interpreted in light of the signalment, history, clinical signs and physical exam findings, the treating veterinarian is always the person that is best suited to interpret these results. This course has specifically been designed to give practitioners the confidence and knowledge to interpret blood results. The total course duration is minimal 10 hours, divided over 4 modules that each consist of different paragraphs. Each paragraph contains a short video of a previously recorded lectures, as well as practice quizzes and interesting literature.

In module 1 the focus will be on the complete blood count (CBC) and blood smear analysis. We will give a comprehensive review of normal and abnormal cell morphology. Illustrated by detailed cytology pictures you will learn step by step how to read a normal blood smear, but also how to recognize toxic white blood cell changes, oxidative damage of red blood cells, spherocytes, Heinz bodies and much more.

In module 2 we will focus on abnormalities that can be seen in the complete blood count. For every abnormality we will discuss possible underlying diseases and how using a systematic and logical approach can help you to reach a final diagnosis.

In module 3 we will discuss biochemistry abnormalities.We will not only address the most common parameters such as kidney values, liver values and total protein, but also discuss how to interpret protein electrophoresis patterns, liver function tests and abnormalities in lipids, lipase/amylase as well as creatinine kinase.

In module 4 we will address the electrolytes. A detailed discussion of all the differential diagnoses for abnormalities in sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus will be provided.

To help you to put all the learned information into practice we will also discuss 5 clinical cases. You will first get the chance to independently resolve these cases before you can watch the recorded video`s in which you will be provided with a detailed case discussion. We will teach you how to resolve cases using a problem-solving approach that will enable you to manage future cases in a similar fashion.

Locatie en datum

Cursusduur10 Uren
Prijs€ 265,- (excl. btw)
Vakgebied(en)Interne geneeskunde
EBP (België)(20 punten)
BedrijfOnline Vet Training