Practical guidelines for responsible antibiotic use in dogs and cats: what, when, how long?

  • 1,5 Uren
  • 40,-
  • Online
  • Dierenarts, Paraveterinair


Online Vet Training

OPGELET: deze cursus is in het Engels

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De bijscholing is onmiddellijk na registratie beschikbaar en is volledig online te volgen. Na registratie heb je gedurende 3 maanden toegang tot de cursus.

Since the discovery of antibiotics in the 1920s, these drugs have been essential in the treatment of various infectious diseases in veterinary and human medicine. Unfortunately, due to the increasing occurrence of antibiotic resistance, these lifesaving drugs are not always effective anymore and in the last years certain common infections have become more difficult to treat. As the main driving factors behind antibiotic resistance are overuse and misuse of antibiotics, it is the responsibility of veterinarians and doctors to use antibiotics correctly and only when indicated.

This practical course has been based on the ACVIM consensus guidelines on therapeutic antimicrobial use in animals and antimicrobial resistance, published in 2015; as well as on consensus guidelines published by the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases.

Practical and concrete recommendations are given on when and how to use antibiotics in the treatment of 1) urinary tract infections 2) respiratory infections and 3) gastro-intestinal diseases in dogs and cats.

Answers will be provided to the following questions:

– What are methods to prevent antimicrobial resistance?

– When to use antibiotics?

– What type of antibiotics to use?

– Is there need for more than 1 type of antibiotic?

– How long to treat with antibiotics?

– How to follow up treatment?

The total course duration is minimal 1.5 hours. It is immediately available after registration and can be followed at your own pace. It consists of different chapters, with each chapter containing a short video of a previously recorded lecture. Furthermore, interesting literature and handouts will be provided. Questions to the teacher can be asked on the online forum.

Locatie en datum

Cursusduur1,5 Uren
Prijs€ 40,- (excl. btw)
Sector(en)Dierenarts, Paraveterinair
Vakgebied(en)Interne geneeskunde
EBP (België)(3 punten)
BedrijfOnline Vet Training